S.No |
Name of the Post |
110. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of EEG Technician
109. |
Rank List of the candidates for the post of Laboratory Technician Grade - III, 2023
Provisional Selection List for the post of Laboratory Technician Grade - III, 2023
108. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Assistant Medical Officer (Unani)
107. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Technician Grade - I
106. |
Erratum to the Provisional Selection List for the post of Therapeutic Assistant (Male)
Provisional Selection List for the post of Therapeutic Assistant (Male)
Provisional Selection List for the post of Therapeutic Assistant (Female)
105. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Occupational Therapist
104. |
List of Provisionally selected candidates for the post of Pharmacist
Final Score after award of incentive marks for Covid Duty Period for the post of Pharmacist
Scorecard for the Main (Subject) Paper for the post of Pharmacist
Master Question paper for the Main(Subject) paper for the recruitment to the post of Pharmacist
Batch-1 ( Main(Subject) paper) (10.15- 12.15)
Batch -2 ( Main(Subject) paper ) (15.45-17.45)
Batch- 3 ( Main(Subject) paper ) ( 10.15- 12.15 )
Batch -4 ( Main(Subject) paper ) ( 15.45-17.45 )
Final Answer Key for the Main(Subject) paper for the recruitment to the post of Pharmacist
Master Question paper for the Tamil Eligibility Test for the recruitment to the post of Pharmacist
Scorecard for Tamil Eligibility Test for the recruitment to the post of Pharmacist
Batch-1 (Tamil Eligibility Test) (9.00- 10.00)
Batch-2 (Tamil Eligibility Test) (14.30-15.30
Batch-3 (Tamil Eligibility Test) (9.00- 10.00)
Batch-4 (Tamil Eligibility Test) (14.30-15.30)
Final Answer Key for the Tamil Eligibility Test for the recruitment to the post of Pharmacist
103. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Assistant Surgeon (General)
List of Provisionally selected candidates against not - joined vacancies for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General) - Substitute List
Provisional Selection List for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General), 2022
Marks Scored by the Candidates who have qualified in the Tamil Eligibility Test in the subject paper prescribed for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General)
Scorecard for Tamil Eligibility Test for the recruitment to the post of Assistant Surgeon (General)
Master Question paper for the Tamil Eligibility Test for the recruitment to the post of Assistant Surgeon (General)
Batch-1 (Tamil Eligibility Test) (9.00- 10.00)
Batch -2 (Tamil Eligibility Test) (14.30-15.30)<
Final Answer Key for the Tamil Eligibility Test for the recruitment to the post of Assistant Surgeon (General)
102. |
Revised List of Provisionally Selected candidates for the post of Food Safety Officer
101. |
Master Question paper for the post of Food Safety Officer
Corrected Final Answer Key for the post of Food Safety Officer
100. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Laboratory Technician Grade - II in TNFSSS
99. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Assistant Medical Officer (Homoeopathy)
98. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Assistant Medical Officer (Ayurveda)
97. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Assistant Medical Officer (Siddha)
96. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Dark Room Assistant, 2022 under BCM category
List of candidates who have completed certificate verification and does not fulfil the prescribed qualification for the post of Dark Room Assistant, 2022
Weightage marks of the candidates allowed to participate in certificate verification based on the representation for the post of Dark Room Assistant, 2022
Rank List of candidates for the post of Dark Room Assistant, 2022
Provisional Selection List for the post of Dark Room Assistant, 2022
95. |
I. Provisional Selection List for the post of Nurses for Differently Abled Persons Category
II. List of Ineligible candidates for the post of Nurses for Differently Abled Persons Category
94. |
Marks Scored by Candidates in Assistant Medical Officer (Unani) Examination - 2022
93. |
Marks Scored by Candidates in Assistant Medical Officer (Homoeopathy) Examination - 2022
92. |
Marks Scored by Candidates in Assistant Medical Officer (Ayurveda) Examination - 2022
91. |
Marks Scored by Candidates in Assistant Medical Officer (Siddha) Examination - 2022
90. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Field Assistant
89. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Unani)
88. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Homoeopathy)
87. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Ayurveda)
Provisional Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Ayurveda)- List 2
86. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Siddha)
Provisional Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Siddha)- List 2
85. |
Marks Scored by Candidates in Nurses for Differently Abled Persons Category Examination - 2022
84. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Village Health Nurse / Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (for Differently abled persons only)
83. |
Marks Scored by Candidates in Special Qualifying Examination
82. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (SC/ST Shortfall Vacancies)
81. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Skilled Assistant Grade - II (Electrician Grade-II)
80. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Skilled Assistant Grade - II (Welder Grade - II), 2021
79. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Dialysis Technician, 2020
78. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Skilled Assistant Grade-II (Fitter Grade - II), 2020
77. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Therapeutic Assistant (Male) and Therapeutic Assistant (Female)
76. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Physician Assistant, 2020
75. |
List of candidates proposed to Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General)
List of candidates proposed to Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General) - II
74. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Laboratory Technician Grade II, 2016 under SCA and DAP (PH) category
73. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Skilled Assistant Grade II (Fitter Grade II), 2020
72. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Electro Cardiogram Technician, 2017
71. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Assistant Surgeon (Speciality), 2020
70. |
Cut off marks of the candidates sponsored for the post of Nurses – Phase I
Cut off marks of the candidates sponsored for the post of Nurses – Phase II
Cut off marks of the candidates sponsored for the post of Nurses - on contract basis for a period of 6 months
Cut off marks of the candidates sponsored against the Non Joined vacancies for the post of Nurses - on contract basis for a period of 6 months
69. |
Cut off marks of the candidates sponsored for the post of Assistant Surgeon General)
Cut off marks of the candidates sponsored for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General) – Phase II
Cut off marks of the candidates sponsored for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General) – Phase III
68. |
Weightage marks of the candidates who have completed the certificate verification for the post of Laboratory Technician Grade III, 2019
Provisional Selection List for the post of Laboratory Technician Grade III, 2019
67. |
Weightage marks of the candidates who have completed the certificate verification for the post of Village Health Nurse / Auxiliary Nurse Midwife, 2019
Provisional Selection List for the post of Village Health Nurse / Auxiliary Nurse Midwife, 2019
66. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Laboratory Technician Grade II, 2016
65. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Nurses, 2019
64. |
Physiotherapist Grade II Examination, 2019 - Marks and Rank Position of the Candidates
Provisional Selection List for the post of Physiotherapist Grade II, 2019
63. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Prosthetic Craftsman, 2019
62. |
Provisional Substitute Selection List for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General), 2018
Provisional Substitute Selection List for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General), 2018 - II
Provisional Substitute Selection List for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General), 2018 - III
61. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Medical Physicist, 2019
60. |
Revised Provisional Selection List for the post of Nurses (SNCU), 2019
59. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Radiotherapy Technician, 2018
58. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of ECG Technician (ST Shortfall Vacancy), 2019
57. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Audiometrician (SC Shortfall Vacancies), 2019
56. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Dental Hygienist (SC Shortfall Vacancy), 2019
55. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Physiotherapist Grade II (ST Shortfall Vacancy), 2019
54. |
Marks Scored by the Candidates in Nurses Examination - Shortfall Vacancies (SC & ST), 2019
Provisional Selection List for the post of Nurses (SC & ST Shortfall Vacancies), 2019
53. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Laboratory Technician Grade II(ST Shortfall Vacancies), 2019
52. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Radiographer (ST Shortfall Vacancies), 2019
51. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Prosthetic Craftsman (SC Shortfall Vacancy), 2019
50. |
Marks Scored by theCandidates in Assistant Surgeon (General) Examination - Shortfall Vacancies(ST), 2019
Provisional Selection List for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General) - Shortfall Vacancies (ST), 2019
49. |
Marks Scored by theCandidates in Medical Physicist Examination, 2019
48. |
Marks Scored by the
Candidates in Nurses Examination, 2019
Erratum to the marks scored by the candidates in Nurses Examination, 2019
47. |
Marks Scored by the
Candidates in Nurses (SNCU) Examination, 2019
46. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Unani), 2018
Provisional Substitute Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Unani), 2018
45. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Homoeopathy), 2018
Provisional Substitute Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Homoeopathy), 2018
44. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Ayurveda), 2018
Provisional Substitute Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Ayurveda), 2018
43. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Siddha), 2018
Provisional Substitute Selection List for the post of Pharmacist (Siddha), 2019
42. |
Marks Scored by the Candidates in Assistant Surgeon (General) Examination, 2018
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Assistant Surgeon (General), 2018
41. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Assistant Medical Officer / Lecturer Grade II (Yoga & Naturopathy), 2018
40. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Laboratory Technician Gr III, 2016
39. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Senior Lecturer in Optometry,2017
38. |
Marks Scored by the Candidates in Assistant Medical Officer / Lecturer Grade II (Yoga & Naturopathy) Examination, 2018
37. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Pharmacist, 2016
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Pharmacist, 2016 under Ex-servicemen category
Provisional Substitute Selection List for the Post of Pharmacist, 2016
36. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Radiographer, 2017
35. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Assistant Medical Officer (Homoeopathy), 2017
34. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Assistant Medical Officer (Ayurveda), 2017
33. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Assistant Medical Officer (Siddha), 2017
32. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Assistant Surgeon (Speciality), 2017
31. |
Marks Scored by the Candidates in Assistant Medical Officer (Homoeopathy) Examination, 2017
30. |
Marks Scored by the
Candidates in Assistant Medical Officer (Ayurveda) Examination, 2017
29. |
Marks Scored by the Candidates in Assistant Medical Officer (Siddha) Examination, 2017
28. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Anaesthesia Technician, 2017
27. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Heart Lung Hypothermia Machine Technician, 2017
26. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Plaster Technician Grade II, 2017
25. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Village Health Nurse / Auxiliary Nurse Midwife, 2017
24. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Dark Room Assistant, 2016
23. |
a. Provisional Selection List for the Post of Assistant Surgeon (General), 2016
b. Provisional Substitute Selection List for the Post of Assistant Surgeon(General),2016
c. Provisional Selection List - II for the Post of Assistant Surgeon (General), 2016
d. Provisional Selection List - III for the Post of Assistant Surgeon (General), 2016
e. Provisional Substitute Selection List for the Post of Assistant Surgeon (General), 2016
22. |
a. Provisional Selection List for the Post of Therapeutic Assistant (Male), 2016
b. Provisional Selection List for the Post of Therapeutic Assistant (Female), 2016
21. |
Marks Scored by the Candidates in Assistant Surgeon (General) Examination 2016
Results published as per Interim Orders of the Hon'ble High Court of Madras
Results published as per Orders of the Hon'ble High Court of Madras
Results published as per Interim Orders of the Hon'ble High Court of Madras
Results published as per Orders of the Hon'ble High Court of Madras
Results published as per Interim Orders of the Hon'ble High Court of Madras
Results published as per Interim Orders of the Hon'ble High Court of Madras
Results published as per Orders of the Hon'ble High Court of Madras
20. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Occupational Therapist, 2016
19. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Assistant Surgeon (Speciality), 2016
18. |
Marks Scored by Candidates in Special Qualifying Examination
17. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Audiometrician, 2016
16. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of Prosthetic Craftsman, 2016
15. |
Provisional Selection List for the Post of EEG/EMG Technician
14. |
a. Provisional Selection List No.1 for the post of Assistant Surgeon (Speciality), 2015
b. Provisional Selection List No.2 for the post of Assistant Surgeon (Speciality), 2015
c. Provisional Selection List No.3 for the post of Assistant Surgeon (Speciality), 2015
d. Provisional Selection List No.4 for the post of Assistant Surgeon (Speciality), 2015
e. Provisional Selection List No.5 for the post of Assistant Surgeon (Speciality), 2015
f. Provisional Selection List No.6 for the post of Assistant Surgeon (Speciality), 2015
13. |
a) Provisional Selection List No. 1 for the post of Nurses, 2015
b) Provisional Selection List No. 2 for the post of Nurses, 2015
c) Provisional Selection List No. 3 for the post of Nurses, 2015
d) Provisional Selection List No. 4 for the post of Nurses, 2015
e) Provisional Selection List No. 5 for the post of Nurses, 2015
f) Provisional Selection List No. 6 for the post of
Nurses, 2015
g) Provisional Selection List No. 7 for the post of Nurses, 2015
h) Provisional Selection List No. 8 for the post of Nurses, 2015
i) Provisional Selection List No. 9 for the post of Nurses, 2015
j) Provisional Selection List No. 10 for the post of Nurses, 2015
k )Provisional Selection List No. 11 for the post of Nurses, 2015
l) Provisional Selection List No. 12 for the post of Nurses, 2015
m) Provisional Selection List No. 13 for the post of Nurses, 2015
n) Consolidated Provisional Selection List for the post of Nurses, 2015
o) Deletion list for the post of Nurses, 2015
p) Corrigendum to the Consolidated Provisional Selection List for the
post of Nurses, 2015
q) Notice to the candidates who have applied for the post of Nurses, 2015
r) Release of results for the Withheld candidates
s) Release of results for the Withheld candidates (List II)
t) Release of results for the Withheld candidates (List III)
u) Provisional Substitute Selection List I for the post of Nurses
v) Provisional Substitute Selection List II for the post of Nurses
w) Provisional Selection List for the post of Nurses
x) Provisional Selection List for the post of Nurses - II
y) Provisional Selection List for the post of Nurses
12. |
Marks Scored by the Candidates in Nurses Exam 2015 |
11a. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Assistant
Surgeon Speciality, 2014 |
11b. |
Provisional Selection List (Additional) for the post of Assistant Surgeon Speciality, 2014 |
10a. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Assistant
Surgeon (General), 2014 |
10b. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General), 2014 (Additional List 1) |
10c. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General), 2014 (Additional List 2) |
10d. |
Provisional Selection List for the post of Assistant Surgeon (General), 2014 (Additional List 3) |
9. |
Marks obtained by the candidates in Asst. Surgeon Dental Examination-2014 |
8. |
Marks obtained by the candidates in Asst Surgeon General Examination-2014 |
7a. |
Provisional selection list of Physiotherapist Grade II - year 2014 |
7b. |
Corrigendum to the provisional selection list of Physiotherapist Grade II |
7c. |
Results published as per orders of the Madurai Bench of Hon'ble High Court of Madras |
6. |
Provisional Selection list of Pharmacists for the year 2014
Corrigendum to the Provisional Selection List of Pharmacist |
5. |
.Therapeutic Assistant- Provisional Selection List |
4. |
Village Health Nurse(VHN) -Provisional Selection List |
Pharmacist - Selection List |
Provisional Selection list of Pharmacist |
Provisional Final Selection List of Pharmacist |
2. |
Assistant Surgeon |
a. |
Provisional Selection list of Assistant Surgeon (General/Speciality) |
b. |
Provisional Selection list of Assistant Dental Surgeon (General/Speciality) |
c. |
Marks obtained by candidates in Assistant Surgeon Examination |
d. |
Marks obtained by candidates in Assistant Dental Surgeon Examination |
e. |
Schedule of Certificate Verification |
Certificate verification for Reserve List
7th October 2013 - Forenoon Afternoon
8th October 2013 - Forenoon Afternoon
9th October 2013 - Forenoon Afternoon
10th October 2013 - Forenoon Afternoon |
g |
Provisional list of final selected candidates
Assistant Surgeon - General
Assistant Surgeon - Speciality
Assistant Dental Surgeon - General
Assistant Dental Surgeon- Speciality |
Certificate verification for Reserve List
19th Decemober 2013 - Forenoon Afternoon
20th Decemober 2013 - Forenoon Afternoon
21st Decemober 2013 - Forenoon Afternoon |
1. |
Radiographer |